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  1. To use this service, you must be signed in to a Google account (note that every UCSC email is associated with a Google account).
  2. Your Google account must be on my list of authorized users. If you are enrolled in one of my courses, you should already be on the list until the end of the following quarter. In addition, current UCSC grad students, faculty, and staff should already be on the list. However, none of the foregoing are automatic: I must add people to the list manually. If you think you should be on the list, but you aren't, please contact me.
  3. I'm happy to add others to the list if they have a reasonable need to be able to reach me. Keep in mind, though, that if you have my phone number, you would probably be better off sending me a text message. That will notify me just as fast, and is also free from the restrictions listed below.
  4. This service sends a push notification directly to my phone, using the excellent Pushover app. The notification will consist of your name, identifying information (e.g. course name), and the message you type in.
  5. The maximum length of your message is 164 characters. If you need to tell/ask me something that won't easily fit into 164 characters, you can send me the content in an email and use this service to notify me that the email has been sent and I should check it. You might want to include the subject of the email.
  6. There is no way for me to reply directly to this notification. If a reply is necessary, you should expect to get it by email, or in some other convenient way.
  7. The fact that this notification goes directly to my phone doesn't necessarily mean that I will see it imediately. I may be teaching, driving, putting my daughter to bed, sleeping, etc. And, of course, I may not be able to respond immediately even when I do see it. Still, this is probably the fastest and most reliable way to reach me.
  8. You don't have to be terribly shy about using this. It is not only for emergencies. Please don't spam me with event announcements and the like, however. Also please remember that, in courses with TA's, questions about extensions, late papers, grades, and so forth, should be directed first to your TA when possible.